them, Johnny-Joan, in Long Beach several years later de- cided to start a magazine for TV's. I provided the name for it Transvestia and wrote the promotional letter about it. He didn't run it on a business basis and it folded after two issues, but that was the first publication anywhere for cross dressers. Having invented the name in the first place, I adopted it for the name of this publication when it finally got under way several years later.

Louise eventually got divorced and began living full time as a woman. She had met an older woman who was friendly and understanding and they lived together as two women for about 25 years. I visited with them a number of times when I'd go to San Francisco and she was a continu- ous subscriber to this magazine. She was one of the real pioneers in this field and the first one I knew personally not only as being a TV; but as the first person I'd known that lived the full time gender role of a woman without getting caught up in the fantasy of sex change. I'll miss her.

In Philadelphia, Anita Stewart passed away this spring. Anita had a most interesting early life which she wrote up as Cover Girl way back in Issue No. 10. She was very ac- tive in her femme-life in the early 60's and was always going to balls and social events and getting into some hairy situations too. She was an early reader and supporter and we used to carry on quite a correspondence. She, too, had the sex change bug at one time and made it a point to get acquainted with every new sex-change that came to town. She summed up her conclusions in a special article entitled "Should I?" which was published in TVia No. 60 in the special addition devoted to the subject of transexual- ism. After evaluating the field thoroughly through all the TS's that she had met, she decided that surgery was not for her.

In Minneapolis, another long time reader and co-worker Myrtle Ann Maass came to the end of her days. She was al- ways a hard worker for the FP cause, first in FPE and then in TVIS and when that folded she returned to the support of FPE. She first appeared on a radio show with me in Min-